the fabulous adventures of a full-time working mom raising a toddler in boston

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Adventures in Solids: Bananas!

In efforts to always introduce a new veggie or fruit every 3-4 days, I decided to introduce Kasen to the wonderful world of fruits. Ideally after having him try sweet potatoes and fresh green beans (both he was lukewarm to - he would have maybe 4-5 spoonfuls and be done with it) I wanted to introduce him to peas, zucchini, pumpkin, or butternut squash, but given our busy schedule there was no time to run to the market. I didn't want him to get bored and wanted him to experience new flavors and textures and also begin to build a trust with him that food could be fun and delicious. At dinner today after his rice cereal, then followed by green beans (three spoonfuls that is....), we introduced the banana. The bananas were perfectly ripe and sweet and thought it was just perfect timing (and meant to be).

Honestly, bananas have to be the perfect baby food. It's mashable on the go. It's easy, it's quick. I love it. I lopped a piece of a ripe one and mashed it in my Freshfoods Mash and Serve bowl (which by the way, is AMAZING. So amazing that I decided to order one for my diaper bag, one for my in-laws, and another one for my sister-in-law.) It's available here on Well, not really. It's temporarily out of stock!

Anyway. To make long story short, we spooned just a little at his lips. He was hesitant at first because he probably thought it was more green beans. He ate it. He tasted it. Didn't spit it out...and every spoon after that he opened wide for me! Ah! How wonderful it was to finally experience a fruit/veggie he LOVED! He loved bananas so much he self-shoved the spoon into his mouth as if I was feeding him too slowly! I plan to incorporate bananas into his breakfast after he has his cereal. I'm not sure if I should start combining the two just yet...


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