the fabulous adventures of a full-time working mom raising a toddler in boston

Monday, April 1, 2013

Baby Boy Style: Splendid Littles+ Tiny Toms

I have typically purchased Kasen's clothes from Baby Gap, Carter's, and Mini Boden, and sometimes from Osh Kosh, Carter's and Shaun White (I know, surprisingly!) lines at Target. And because is ever so rapidly growing, I have yet to the find the perfect balance of buying him just the right amount of clothes before he wears it a few times and then outgrows a favorite pair of pants, shirt, or sweater. I've found myself buying a size or two larger, only to find that he could actually wear some of it now (and just fold up the sleeves) so that I get more mileage out of them. More recently I discovered Splendid's baby boy and toddler line, called Splendid Littles - I was delighted to find out that one of my favorite basics separates lines made kids clothes! Gilt had this awesome sale and I managed to scoop up some great pieces at huge discounts, all in sizes 12-18 and size 2T. I love Splendid but it can be very pricey especially for a growing baby - but I love how super soft and simple the knits are. He's already started wearing the long sleeves and the jersey pants.

For shoes I continue to obsess over Tiny Toms and Baby Converse. He can't walk yet, but has been pivot crawling and army commando crawling to get around (it's pretty funny!) but they are just so darned cute. Kasen's more recently taken an interest in his shoes - he will pick them up, turn them over and over and over, and then put one down and proceed to the next shoe. Hilarious. Kasen has a pair in navy blue and in the chambray bimini canvas, which I love:


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