the fabulous adventures of a full-time working mom raising a toddler in boston

Monday, March 16, 2015

Fun-filled Weekend

Some cheesy goodness to brighten up your Monday morning. ;)

Kasen had a blast this weekend, after having been bogged down with bronchitis over the last two weeks. He still has a slight cough but it only shows up once in a while. Warren and his mom (Sammy was on her sister's bachelorette cruise for the week!) and his two kids, Olivia and Paxton were in the vicinity and dropped by for dinner. We were frantic in trying to whip up a yummy and fast dinner and of course our tiny house was a complete mess afterwards, but we all had a blast.

On another note, while I wasn't thrilled to see snow yesterday, we did break the record snowfall of 108.6 inches for the snowiest Boston ever!


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