the fabulous adventures of a full-time working mom raising a toddler in boston

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Bouncy Bouncy!

My parents were over this weekend getting their weekly dose of Baby K, and brought over the jumperoo he received at our baby shower since we all thought he was ready for it. And boy was he! After my dad (his grandpa, or goong goong!) finished assembling it, we put Kasen in it. He looked around at first, not knowing what to do, and taking everything in (as my mom says, you could literally see the clockworks working on a little robot - data data, input input!). As soon as we bounced the seat a little Kasen totally figured it out all by himself and realized if he pumped his legs, he could bounce independently! After he found this out I swear he could have played in the bouncer for HOURS. I've never seen him so disappointed when it was time for bed!


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