the fabulous adventures of a full-time working mom raising a toddler in boston

Friday, October 19, 2012

Developing Motor Skills!

Over the past two weeks whenever we bottle feed baby Kasen he will use both of his hands to squeeze the fingers of whoever is feeding him. Usually it's both index fingers or the middle fingers of whoever is feeding him - so cute. You melt to pieces when he does this because he squeezes and releases, squeezes and releases while he's eating. About two days ago we noticed he started to put both hands around the bottle, and yesterday he actually discovered how to use his hands to push the nipple back in his mouth so he could continue eating. I read that most babies don't learn how to hold a bottle until they are 10 months old, and the earliest they begin to learn is 6 months. Kasen just turned 3 months last week, so he's starting to develop his motor skills pretty early. I'm excited yet afraid of what milestone is next!


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