the fabulous adventures of a full-time working mom raising a toddler in boston

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Getting Ready for Winter!

Today the order we put through for a bunch of winter clothes at Carter's arrived. I'm in love with all of the sets they have that includes a hoodie, a onesie, and a pair of pants for $12 or less - what a steal! He's 3 months old but he's wearing 6 months old clothes right now, but I ordered 9 month and 12 month sets since he's growing like crazy. He's measuring about 16 lbs and is almost 25 inches long, and just turned 3 months last week! Nutso!

Today one of his winter beanies arrived and we tried it on him! So cute! Since his grandpa (gong gong, his maternal grandfather) is overseas in Rangoon right now, we figured we'd send this video to him to make him miss little Kasen less =)

If you could put a little bubble as to what my little man is thinking...he's probably thinking "Mommy, and Grandma, why are you doing this to me? HAHA =)


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