the fabulous adventures of a full-time working mom raising a toddler in boston

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Sleep Training Part II

Kasen slept again from 11pm to 6:15am! I heard him stirring at 3am, but he put himself back to sleep. Amazing! I feel like I won the lottery!

One of my husband's clients mentioned to him the book 12 hours by 12 weeks, written by Suzy Giordano who is known as the "Baby Coach" - I started it just this morning on my commute to the office after ordering it through Amazon. The premise is focused on healthy babies sleeping through the night (8pm to 8am) by the time they are three months old using a limited cry method, and not sacrificing nutrition (this requires that babies are at least over 9 lbs and are drinking 24 oz by the time you start the training)- resulting in happy babies and happy moms and dads. The author is the mother of 5 children and she has sleep trained hundreds of babies and hasn't had one that hasn't slept through the night. Good sleep habits can still be taught to babies up to a year - I'm hooked! I will post his progress, even though Kasen is already starting to (seemingly anyway) do well based on his own natural tendencies.


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