the fabulous adventures of a full-time working mom raising a toddler in boston

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Arlington Heights

Dad's Tims | Kasen's Nike Free 5.0's | Mom's Golden Goose Francys
We had a nice lunch outdoors on Uncle Steve's and Aunt Stephanie's deck with the family. Our lazy Sunday wasn't very lazy at all, but who am I to complain where there's lobster, fried chicken, blueberry beer, and iced tea?

At Uncle Steve's House!
Kasen's Atsuko et Akiko Fries Tee | Zara Skinny Grey Cords | Lite up Robo Shark Crocs

Meet Louie!

Louie is a 9 month old Westie rescue, aww

Kasen loves the playground across the street

Kasen's "treehouse" and "bakery"


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