the fabulous adventures of a full-time working mom raising a toddler in boston

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Flour Bakery: The Best Banana Bread Everrr

We eat a lot of bananas in our household. Bananas are often snacks, they are inputs into milkshakes and smoothies of which leftovers are turned into frozen pops later. However, when we just have too many too finish and they're getting too spotty and overripe, we make banana bread! Our favorite recipe is from Joanne Chang's Flour Bakery - the banana bread is one of many favorites (the sticky sticky bun, hazelnut chocolate cookie, and the triple chocolate mousse cake are also to die for). I'm such a big fan, I also purchased her book from the Fort Point location (it's the closest to financial district where I work so when I have a fairly light schedule I don't mind a leisurely stroll here). I doubled the recipe to make two large loaves this morning. It's warm and it's filled the entire house with the lovely aroma of banana bread!


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