the fabulous adventures of a full-time working mom raising a toddler in boston

Friday, February 20, 2015

Happy Chinese New Year: YEAR OF THE SHEEP!

Don't ask me why I was doing work early in the morning, but I was. It's how crazy I am when I know I have a deadline and I absolutely know in my hearts of hearts that I don't have enough time during the day in the office to finish it all.

My breaks consisted of me stuffing Sanrio red envelopes (hong bao, or li cee) for Chinese New Year. It's always a frenzy for two weeks when Chinese New Year comes around - make sure you get a haircut before the new year, clean the house etc. to wash away the bad luck of the previous year. They're from Hong Kong! I always make it a point to have cute envelopes on hand for distribution. It makes me happy!

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