the fabulous adventures of a full-time working mom raising a toddler in boston

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Sleepyheads Sneak Preview

One of our favorite illustrators and authors, Joyce Wan of Wanart is also a long-time friend - I've been friends with her sister Joanne for the last 15 years. I met Joyce when I moved to NYC in my 20s. She's a wonderful person with a beautiful soul and simply an amazing and talented illustrator and author. 

Recently Joyce sent us her newest book that she illustrated, called Sleepyheads, authored by Sandra Howatt. We're feeling so lucky because it doesn't get released to the public until May 6, 2014! It is by far right now Kasen's favorite book. He kisses almost every page (it's so cute!) and sometimes makes me kiss each page too. His favorites are the bird, the squirrel, the duck, and the bunny.

We have several books from her existing collection and my friend Joanne recently sent me Kasen Joyce's My Lucky Little Dragon Book earlier this year. These books are now selling at your local Target! You can also get it on Amazon, here.


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