the fabulous adventures of a full-time working mom raising a toddler in boston

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Adventures in Fooding: Food Ideas for 11 Month Olds

After many unsuccessful online searches for baby recipes, and making recipes from the baby food recipe books that my little man has disliked, I've modified simple recipes that we love at home for Kasen. I've included a few of Kasen's favorite recipes from all inclusive meals (with protein, veggies and carbohydrates) as well as veggies and desserts.

I haven't yet moved onto tomato-based pasta, but my little man loves the following dinners that I make from scratch at home. Many of these recipes are inspirations of Chinese porridge (jook) that we make when we have leftover bones/meats (i.e. from Thanksgiving for example or Costco's roasted chicken) or when we are sick and need something simple, easy to eat, nourishing, and easy to digest.

For lunch, I will typically give him 1 oz of a complete protein/veggie/carb meal, 1 oz of veggies (fruit + veggie mix typically or steamed diced veggies), and 1 oz of fruit (either pureed fruit, or individual fruit pieces that he can chew himself, such as banana, raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, steamed apple etc.)

Aside from Breastmilk, Kasen still only drinks water, unless we happen to have fresh watermelon or fruits on hand that I can puree myself with water and he can drink. Otherwise we do not plan on letting him drink any juice until he is over 1 year old. Even then we will be diluting his juice with water, as I think that juice has TOO much sugar.

Kasen will typically have oatmeal with yogurt, or yogurt with an omelette or french toast to give him some dairy, protein, iron, and carbohydrates.

Banana Oatmeal
Mashed bananas with Earth's Best organic oatmeal

Apple Oatmeal
Organic applesauce mixed in with Earth's Best organic oatmeal

Blueberry Oatmeal
Organic Blueberry sauce mixed in with Earth's Best organic oatmeal

Banana Yogurt
Mashed bananas and strawberry puree mixed in with YoBaby or WallaBaby organic yogurt

Baby Omelette
One whisked egg, folded over in fry pan with a little olive oil and chopped into small pieces. It can be modified to include small pieces of steamed vegetables or sprinkled with some parmesan or cheddar cheese

French Toast
One piece of toast dipped in the french toast mixture (one egg, teaspoon of vanilla, and dash of cinnamon) and fried on both sides until golden. Chop into small pieces or long skinny strips for baby to self feed.

All meals are slow cooked over a stove, in a crock pot, or small rice cooker. I typically will boil homemade chicken stock (if that is not on hand, use water), add the veggies (so that they have time to get soft), and poach the protein before taking it out and lightly pureeing it (to a consistency that works for your baby) or shredding it (in the case of salmon or any other type of fish). For a half cup of rice I use about 3 cups of homemade chicken stock or water. Once done, the porridge should be a consistency that is best for your baby. Kasen's meals are a little thicker now with small chunks, though when he started protein a few months ago, around 8 months the consistent was fairly smooth and watery). Additionally, I may add barley or extra pasta stars or alphabets for some extra nutrition and bite.

Beef Stew
Grass-fed Sirloin Beef
Organic Potatoes
Organic Carrots

Chicken Soup
Organic Chicken Breast and Chicken Thighs
Organic Carrots

Salmon and Spinach Porridge
Organic Pureed Spinach, Swiss Chard or Broccoli

Thanksgiving Turkey Dinner 
Turkey Cutlets

Chicken and Pea Risotto
Arborio Rice
Chicken Breast and Chicken Thighs
Pureed Peas
Pinch of shredded Parmagiano Reggiano

Beef and Tomato Rice
Grass-fed Sirloin Beef
Organic Tomato on the Vine

Baby Lasagna
Pureed spniach
Ricotta cheese
Parmagiano Reggiano

Tropical Chicken
Organic Chicken Breast and Chicken Thighs
Sweet Potatoes

Pork and Apple Dinner
Organic Pork Cutlets
Organic Apple


Sweet Potatoes (Yellow, Orange, and Purple)

Pureed Peas

Pureed Broccoli

Pureed Zucchini

Pureed Butternut Squash

Parsnip and Sweet Potatoes 

Butternut Squash and Sweet Potatoes

Apple and Pumpkin

Broccoli and Cauliflower Swirl

Steamed Diced Carrots

Steamed Diced Broccoli


Dessert typically constitutes a mixture of pureed or chunky fruit. Augment the amount for each fruit to adjust for how much your baby eats! Be sure to steam pears and strawberries before serving.

Blueberry Applesauce
1 oz. Organic Blueberry sauce (a pint of blueberries in a half cup of water, slowly reduced. The blueberries will get plump and pop. I will usually freeze 1 oz of these so that I can mix easily with organic apple sauce.
1 oz. Organic Applesauce

Mango Strawberry Applesauce
1 oz. Mango puree
1 oz Organic Strawberry puree

Cranberry Applesauce
.5 oz Cranberry puree
1 oz Organic applesauce

Cherry Applesauce
1 oz cherry puree (break down pitted cherries same way as blueberries)
1 oz Organic Applesauce

Sweet Potatoes and Applesauce (a great way to get extra veggies!)
1 oz Yellow Sweet Potato puree (these are the sweetest compared to the orange and purple variety)
1 oz Organic Applesauce

Strawberries and Pears
.5 oz  Organic Strawberry puree
1.5 oz Organic Pear puree

Triple Berry Delight
.5 oz. Organic strawberry puree
.5 oz Organic blueberry sauce
.5 oz Organic raspberry sauce (break down similar to blueberries - make sure to filter the raspberry seeds)
.5 oz Organic Applesauce

Raspberry Pear Puree
.5 oz Organic raspberry sauce
1 oz Organic pear puree

Taste of the Tropics
.5 oz Papaya
.5 oz Mango
.5 oz Banana

.5 oz Mashed Banana
.5 oz Mashed Avocado

Banana Strawberry Smoothie
1 Banana
Handful of Strawberries
Scoop of Haagen-Daaz vanilla or strawberry ice cream
Milk (for the whole family) or Formula/Breastmilk if just making for Baby
*Note I will only allow Kasen to have up to an ounce of the smoothie.

Watermelon Juice
A few watermelon wedges
Then blend it up!

Brushing Baby's Teeth
Lastly - don't forget to brush baby's teeth! We use a baby toothbrush that he can use himself after each meal to get the food particles out. It was important to us that he learned independently how to brush his teeth and practice good hygeiene. Before bed, I will usually wipe his gums with a soft washcloth. Because he already has eight teeth, I avoided utilizing the finger toothbrush as his bite is VICIOUS! For now, I just add a little bit of tap water to the toothbrush (tap water has fluoride added to it) and let him brush away! At his one year appointment I plan to ask the doctor if I can begin utilizing all natural toothpaste (that does not have fluoride in it, as too much fluoride is bad for baby).


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