the fabulous adventures of a full-time working mom raising a toddler in boston

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Milestones: First Tooth!

Last night Kasen got up not one, not two, not three, but FOUR times. Crying too. Not just awake and looking around. Ken and I thought...when is this middle of the night wakings going to end? How do we put an end to it? Is he truly hungry or does just he need help falling asleep?

Well, the next day upon Kasen's usual teething antics where he grabs my hand and tries to gnaw on my pinky joint, I felt something sharp - it was his the emergence of his bottom right hand side tooth! Which dawned upon me - he must have been extra cranky because as the tooth was pushing its way out, he was in pain. Poor thing.  What a trooper. However, it makes me worry about how the molars will be...oh joy!

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