the fabulous adventures of a full-time working mom raising a toddler in boston

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Mozhao, not to be confused with Mozart!

Hmm....a baby Mozart in the making? Hehehe!

In the last day Kasen's begun to flip on his own the pages of his soft baby book, and he's also beginning to laugh hysterically on his own. By accident I was making silly faces at him and he just started to laugh hysterically...which in turn made me laugh!

Baby K's 4 month check up is this coming Monday. Boy do we have a ton of questions for our pediatrician! We want to make sure he's getting enough calcium through the breast milk, and if not, should we introduce formula? When should we introduce pureed fruits and veggies? What milestones should we be looking forward to? Is him sucking his fingers a permanent fixture? How can we get him to stop doing this? Maybe we're overly protective parents, but we just like to know what we're in for!

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