the fabulous adventures of a full-time working mom raising a toddler in boston

Monday, November 12, 2012

Bumbo Time!

Baby Kasen's grandma put him in his bumbo seat on Saturday night to help him strengthen his back and get him used to sitting up. Lo and behold he actually likes it! Though he does protest after a prolonged period, but it's great to see him enjoying a different viewpoint.

Whenever we would have dinner we'd put Kasen in his Coco Lounger, but sometimes he'd complain (we all swear he knows when we are about to eat, because I haven't had a meal when it's pipin' hot in ages!) and we'd tend to his needs. So one of us would eat and the other take care of him. When he doesn't fuss though, and when we can keep him entertained, when one of us is done eating we'd pull Kasen up and bounce him on one knee so that he could put his hands on the table. What a complete mood changer. He gurgles happily and smiles non-stop, like he's pleased that he finally gets to hang out with the big people. Hilarious!

Finally, after two days of having him nap in the crib during the day so that we can transition him from sleeping in his bassinet to his big boy crib, we put him in the crib last night at 9:30pm (he's getting too big for his bassinet). He slept like an angel until 5:30am, which is when was ready to suck down his 5 oz, then went back to sleep and woke up again at 8:30am. His schedule is becoming increasingly predictable. He seldom cries anymore and instead just complains. What a relief! We are loving it! He is honestly such a good baby. We couldn't be luckier.

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