the fabulous adventures of a full-time working mom raising a toddler in boston

Monday, November 12, 2012

Say Cheese!

We took our first formal family picture yesterday - it was so warm outside, being 65 degrees in the middle of November, and I was positively dying to take a family picture since 1) We didn't have one and 2) My holiday card gilt city coupon was expiring! They came out great. We actually did it in our backyard and I have to say...we're fortunate to have Wellesley conservation land as our backyard backdrop, because we really got to have a true 3D effect without having to step away from our home! Both Kasen and Aibo surprisingly cooperated. I was so pleased that I was grinning ear to ear for all of Sunday, heh. Here's a sneak peak!

The Zhao Family!

And for our 2012 holiday card ensemble (trying not to sound so giddy here;)....


Speckled brown envelopes



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