the fabulous adventures of a full-time working mom raising a toddler in boston

Friday, October 26, 2012

Kick and Play Time!

Baby Kasen began using his new play gym for the first time today - it's the Fisher-Price Kick and Play Gym that is. I've been trying to take advantage of my Amazon Mom 3 month trial membership - so far I am loving it. Given that I have zero time between taking care of my little man, being a wife, and also working, being able to not only find the items that we need, peruse great reviews, but also take advantage of the free two-day shipping has been amazing. I think I just may sign up for it going forward. I didn't realize I would love it this much!

So in my search for a toy or gym that will allow him to develop his hand to eye coordination and also exercise not only his brain cells but his little feet because he just loves to kick, I found that this play gym had multiple uses as he continues to grow. The reviews for the product were awesome, and I decided that he had to have it!

Since today my husband his home with baby K, he sent to the family a video of Kasen playing in the gym for the first time:

In other news, Kasen has been waking up in the middle of the night again starting about two days ago (Wednesday night, October 24th), usually at 2am and 5am (today he woke up at 3:45am and again at 5:30am, the first wake up to eat, the second just to get cuddled) partly because he refuses to have a meal before he goes to bed, and perhaps partly because he might be teething. He's been showing all of the signs of a potential teether - cranky, extra drooley, refusing to eat at times, getting up in the middle night several times, and while he's always enjoyed his fingers and thumb and fists, I do not think that he is sucking/licking more than usual. I've been told by one of my good friends who is a doctor that babies can begin teething as early as three months. So we're watching closely for signs, and checking the bottom gums for any eruptions. If so, we are in for quite a ride!

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