the fabulous adventures of a full-time working mom raising a toddler in boston

Friday, November 2, 2012

Sleeping through the Night Again

Phew! Kasen began sleeping through the night again, from 10:30pm to 5:30am, 6:30am at the latest. But in other news we've increased the amount he's eating from 4 oz to 5 oz because he noticed that during his meals he still looked for just a little more boobie juice.

Hurricane Sandy came through Boston earlier this week. Luckily we were unscathed - the worst of it was leaves everywhere and downed branches. Here's Baby Kasen in his skeleton onesie in the spirit of Halloween:

The bad news is our good friends and Kasen's Auntie Vincy and Uncle Fong have been displaced from their homes because of Sandy's devastation in NYC. We are more than happy to do whatever we can to help them, and honestly we've been so lucky to have their presence this past week. It's made the Zhao Haus waaay more fun than usual. Baby Kasen loves Auntie Vincy lots - you can tell because he's always smiling whenever she looks at him or plays with him. I'll include the video once it finally uploads!


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