the fabulous adventures of a full-time working mom raising a toddler in boston

Friday, January 20, 2012

[16 weeks] - Hungry Every Two Hours!

After a first trimester of being nauseous nearly every morning and trying my hardest to not throw up on the person sitting next to me on the green D line train going into Boston, it's nice to be able to enjoy food normally without gagging. The problem is, baby and I went from being hungry every 3 hours to now being hungry every 2.

The one thing I am still getting used to be being waked up by the little one in the wee hours of the morning letting me know that it needed sustenance. Not in a half hour or an hour, but right now. So on weekends instead of sleeping in, I'd reluctantly be getting up at 7:30am or 8:00am to devour my first breakfast. And by the time my husband hobbled out of bed, it would be my second breakfast. I still can't believe the quantity of food I am eating, at the frequency I am eating it. Incredible.

Our next milestone is the 18 week mark - it is our anatomy scan where find out and see how all of the vital organs are functioning - we'll be able to see brain, lungs, heart, kidneys. and if we choose to, we will find out if baby zhao is a boy or a girl. exciting! February 3rd cannot come soon enough!

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