the fabulous adventures of a full-time working mom raising a toddler in boston

Monday, January 30, 2012

[18 weeks] Pain in the...Back?

We are at the beginning of week 18 today! According to all of my pregnancy books the baby should be around 5.5 inches long - long enough to cradle in the palm of my hand. And in another month the baby will double in size. Amazing!

So while I've always been a fairly sturdy individual this newfound back pain that is coming along as a result of the extra weight I'm carrying in the front is baffling to me. I've read that in addition to the extra weight, that as my pelvic bones loosen to be more "elastic" for delivery it is also a major contributor to the pain. My guess that from here on out it's not going to get much better!

We have our anatomy scan and will find out the baby's gender in mere days. Needless to say we are anxious and excited! Many of our friends and family have asked us to consider having a "revealing party" where we reveal the gender of the baby. I don't think it's something we'll consider at this time since there will be plenty of chances for everyone to get together! Whether a healthy, happy boy or a girl - we'll be blessed either way.

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