the fabulous adventures of a full-time working mom raising a toddler in boston

Monday, June 8, 2015

Whole Kids

Getting his play on at the Whole Foods' Kids Play Area
Our usual Sunday trip to Whole Foods meant that we were picking up our normal weekly haul (2 cartons of Organic Valley whole milk with DHA and Omega-3 and organic crimini mushrooms, thank you very much!). It also meant we were getting Kasen's favorites - the $1.49 pint of rice and beans, coupled with what he calls "market soup" - aka "Mom's Chicken Soup". He loves these together.

Afterwards he always leads me to the front side of the store where there is a dispenser with forks, spoons, and knives that he can reach, pressing a button to retrieve the cutlery. Then he runs over to the play area where he proceeds to amuse himself silly for the next half hour. I have to practically drag him away!

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