the fabulous adventures of a full-time working mom raising a toddler in boston

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Conversations with Kasen

Overheard last night reading a dinosaur book before bed after reading about Triceratops, Stegosaurus, and Apatosaurus:

Kasen: Mom, Triceratops, Stegosaurus, and Apatosaurus all like choy choy (vegetables)
Mom: Yes Kasen, that's right, they all like choy choy.
(Mom turns page)
Mom: Tyrannosaurus Rex was the most fearsome of all dinosaurs...
(Kasen interrupts)
Kasen: Mom, Tyrannosaurus Rex likes to eat ngoke ngoke (meat).
Mom: Yes Kasen, you're right, T-Rex likes to eat ngoke ngoke (meat).

How on earth did he remember these things?

Overhead last Friday afternoon at Yeh Yeh's house:

Kasen: Yeh Yeh, sit down.
(Yeh Yeh sits down.)
Kasen: Yeh Yeh, you are old guy!
(Yeh Yeh starts laughing.)
Kasen: No worry Yeh Yeh, I will fix you!
(Kasen with fake scissors in hand pretends to cut Yeh Yeh's hair, then stands back to admire his work.)
Kasen: All done. Now you are young guy!


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