the fabulous adventures of a full-time working mom raising a toddler in boston

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Zoku Fish Pop Molds / Pineapple and Spinach Frozen Pops

Kasen LOVES pops. LOVES them. I've made these with leftover smoothie dregs since he was REALLY little and the love for them have not abated. I decided to change up the recipe and instead of using just pineapple, banana and either OJ, pineapple juice or apple juice for the base I decided to add in spinach to make it green - great for me (because I'm sneaking in greens) and great for him (he loves the fact that they are green). I now often layer two or three colors into the pops just for kicks.

To kick it up a notch I also recently bought the Zoku Fish Pop Molds from Amazon Prime. These were certainly a hit. I'd say his favorites are the whale, octopus, and shark. Kasen prefers these over his original mini pops, but these are still just a TAD too big for him to finish. But he loves the novelty of them being sea creatures (well with the exception of the diver;) The little swizzles themselves are super cute, too - once you finish them and get to the bottom they look like little fish bones!

Happy toddler = happy mom.


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