the fabulous adventures of a full-time working mom raising a toddler in boston

Friday, May 30, 2014

22 months and a Chatterbox

And we're back! After a bout with bronchiolitis and a nebulizer, along with after getting a random blood test done (and of course he wasn't pleased with that) that Kasen's iron stores were low AGAIN, we're back to retooling his diet completely (and we met with a hematologist as well) with the help of my parents. I suspect he was just drinking too much milk at my in-laws and wasn't eating enough. So now - we've cut back his milk intake significantly, to 8 to 10 ounces, and lucky for us he likes the enfagrow ready to drink toddler formula. Oh and let's not forget the disgusting fer-in-sol. Instead of doing 3 1ml doses a day we're doing 2 1.5 ml doses a day. We've noticed his appetite more robust and he's also even more active than he was before, moving a mile a minute it seems. His vocab is insane - he learns new words so fast and even knows when we are talking about him. Newest words in his English and Chinese vocab:

- Go go!
- Outside
- Inside
- Blue
- White
- Chahng Chahng (orange)
- Bar Bar (for granola bar)
- Sup!
- Iron
- Chah Yerk Yerk! (put medicine)
- Hor (want)
- Bai (to put somewhere)
- Wafoo (eggo waffle)
- Bah-di (strawberry)
- Pa lai dee (grape)
- Oh no!
- Clap Clap
- Finger!
- Elbow
- Knee
- Feet
- Toe
- Nga nga (tooth)
- Gai jee (ring)
- Five
- One!
- Wah Wah (frog)
- Jump!
- Favorite letters - A, F, G, K, M, R, T, V, Y
- Mandarin numbers 1,2,3

Oh and lets not forget all of the animals he's in love with. He can interchangeably understand the animals in both languages, and can make the sounds of each one. He also learned two new Burmese words by accident (I think he knows it's not the usual language we speak in so when my parents speak it he goes all silent). He recently learned "Ah-Boke" (saliva haha) and "Chow Gown" (rascal).

He'll make a sour face when you ask him too by well, blinking his eyes haha. I love this kid.


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