the fabulous adventures of a full-time working mom raising a toddler in boston

Monday, January 13, 2014

Milestones - 18 Months Old! And what a vocabulary!

so thrilled that kasen just keeps adding to his vocabulary. while his english vocab is still limited (fish and over there), his chinese vocab is extensive. in addition to people words (mama, baba, yeh yeh, mah mah and goong goong) and food words (mum mum (food), nai nai (milk), bao bao (bread) and seoui seoui (water)), k is obsessed with animals and loves to say and point out gai gai (chicken), gau gau (dog), jee jee (pig/paper), aap aap (duck), and this morning he said and pointed to jeck joi (bird). that's the first non-repeating syllable chinese word! and he's combining words "yeh yeh nai nai" - asking his yeh yeh (paternal grandpa) for milk:) when he sees the cow he goes "moooo", when he sees sheep (esp when the song baa baa black sheep comes on on his ipad mini) he goes "baa baa baa" and when there's a plane he goes "vroooom." he's a chatty little fella! sometimes he says a bunch of kasenese followed by a discernible word and then some more kasenese it amazes me that he understands both english and canto easily and interchangeably. he feeds himself happily with a spoon and fork and eats like a champ though we still think he's a vegetarian because he loves nothing more than his fruits and veggies and carbs (rice and noodles FTW!). he still loves his milk. alot. happy 18 months little guy! he suddenly became a toddling little man before my eyes - can't believe a year and a half has already passed since he made his entrance into this world. 

oh and voila, here's his brand new faux hawk courtesy of his baba - chef/engineer/handyman/salesman/supersnowboarder/hairstylist extraordinaire!


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