the fabulous adventures of a full-time working mom raising a toddler in boston

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Solids Recap

So, to recap:

We started with rice cereal on December 25, 2012, but gradually added in sweet potatoes as his first veggie on January 9, 2013. Since then he's had a grand ole time trying a number of different single veggies and fruits and I would like to report that he's eating pretty heartily now, with both a breakfast of oatmeal + a fruit (or combined) and a dinner of oatmeal + veggie + fruit if he is still hungry. So far we have tried in the following order:

Rice Cereal (hates)
Oatmeal Cereal (loves)

Sweet Potatoes (neutral)
Green Beans (neutral)
Sweet Peas (loves)
Butternut Squash (neutral)

Bananas (loves)
Apples (hates)
Avocado (loves)

I plan to introduce d'anjou pears in the coming days once they are ripe. For the record, I reintroduced apples again in the form of organic, unsweetened applesauce and Kasen still did not like it. My husband took a video of him eating it. He makes the sour face each time! However when mixed with oatmeal, as I found this morning...he actually likes it!


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