the fabulous adventures of a full-time working mom raising a toddler in boston

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Milestones: Solids, Highchair, and Another Tooth!

I've posted before about how I wanted to wait until 6 months before giving Kasen any form of well pureed solid. We all believe that he already ready well before (he would stare at us eating, make chewing movements etc), but I was choosing to wait so that his digestive system and tummy was fully developed and ready to take on solids. 6 months seems to be the consensus as to when to introduce it, though the opinion seems to vary from doctor to doctor. Anyway, Kasen was showing significant interest in eating today, more so than usual, so we decided to try our luck and see how he liked rice cereal. I mixed a tablespoon of Earth's Best rice cereal with two tablespoons of breastmilk. He took to it right away! And he actually swallowed instead of spitting it out. While he only ate half the serving at one sitting, I still think it's a success. We plan on doing this for dinner nightly before his last bottle of milk that he has during bedtime.

Today was also a day other firsts - his second bottom left side tooth emerged on Christmas day! It's a gift from Santa, my sister in law says. Santa also granted us with a few sleepless nights leading up to the emergence of both of Kasen's bottom front teeth :)

And we put him in his Boon Flair high chair for the first time, and what a lifesaver it was. Ken and I had actually had a hot meal together for the first time in months (without the assistance of others that is). It was amazing and a heck of a lot of fun. To keep Kasen occupied we put an assortment of toys on his tray which to my dismay he proceeded to play with each one for 10 seconds, then throw each one on the floor. Sigh.


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