the fabulous adventures of a full-time working mom raising a toddler in boston

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Kasen's First Christmas 2012

It turned out to be a White Christmas after all! We woke up to a half inch of snow on the ground. While not much, it's more than we thought we were going to get ;) Meet Santa's little helper!

Kasen with Gong Gong (Maternal Grandpa)

My boys are so festive! Look at all that red!

We took a fun photo with hats and one without. I couldn't help myself - the Neiman Marcus/Target collaboration Band of Outsiders "Best Friends" hats were on sale for 50% off. I had to get them. I'm such a sucker consumer! But they look sooo cute on everyone! And Kasen has his own Carter's "My First Christmas" hat. And Ken is so cool he has to have his own of course. Aibo the shih tzu even has one...but I think it wouldn't stay on.

As I'm enjoying one of the delectable, creamy Royal Riviera pears from Harry & David (one of my favorites during the holidays!) with a spoon and my favorite mini blueberry scones from Quebrada Bakery, cheers to a happy, merry and bright Christmas for all. We are so lucky to have eachother. I could not be more thankful for a wonderful, loving family.

Our best gift this year? Kasen of course. We couldn't be luckier.

The Z unit

Don't eat the paper!


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