the fabulous adventures of a full-time working mom raising a toddler in boston

Monday, April 30, 2012

[31 weeks] Have Inexpensive Modern Glider? Will Travel!

Our search for a comfortable yet modern glider for junior's nursery in a normal price range has been futile. All of the modern yet comfortable gliders are all over $1000+ and in comparison the one we found is a steal in comparison at $399.00. And I have a 20% off coupon that would knock off about $80.00 from the original price!

Some modern rockers that we love...but are just too pricey to justify:

Nurseryworks Sleepy Time Rocker in Ecru (MSRP $900)

We found a similar copycat on, but unfortunately it's all sold out Modern Rocker with Ottoman (MSRP $379.99)

Monte Luca Glider (MSRP $995.00)

Wanting to have modernity, function, but get the most bang for our buck, I've been pining away for the Klaussner Lacey Glider in slate for the past few months and have been unsuccessful at finding it - apparently it is exclusive to Babies R Us (or as other mother's refer to it as I have found out recently, abbreviated BRU), and they haven't been in stock for months! It's sold out online and only available in stores - the problem is, no stores seem to have it. I'm ready to buckle down and call every single Babies R Us store to find a floor model to purchase. And knowing my determination...I won't stop at anything to find it!

Klaussner Lacey Glider in Slate (MSRP $399.99)


1 comment

  1. I love all the rockers you listed! I have been searching the vast internet for modern rocking chairs for our nursery that wont break the bank! Land of Nod has some beautiful ones but they are so expensive. You are in your final weeks before baby! Very exciting!


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