the fabulous adventures of a full-time working mom raising a toddler in boston

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Love Bug Valentines

Kasen's pre-school sent a note in his backpack that the children are welcome to bring valentines for classmates next Wednesday. When I asked Kasen about it and what kind of valentines he wanted to buy, he quickly decided he wanted "bug valentines." Instead of buying them or making them on minted I decided we'd do something crafty. Kasen is a boy's boy and I know he would be absolutely thrilled about the idea of giving his classmates bugs as part of the valentines. I ordered bug puppets (I love the idea of these also being a little toy to delight other 3.5 year olds) and bug stickers on and am planning on picking up some brown kraft card stock paper and brown kraft envelopes and heart stickers from our local craft store. The template I found on Dandee Designs' blog - such talent! Honestly, how cute are these?

Love Bug Valentines from Dandee Designs


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