the fabulous adventures of a full-time working mom raising a toddler in boston

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Connors Farm + Hannah's Third Birthday Party

Busiest day EVER! With the hubs was away at a Collie Budz Festival in RI with his friends, it was just me and Kasen. We had two birthday parties and a BBQ that Saturday and we realistically could only make one birthday party. Not to mention the fact that I had to drop by Daniel's Bakery in Brighton to order Kasen's dinosaur birthday cake! They have the best white layer cake with strawberry jam and whipped cream frosting. It's super light and airy and moist. So good! So I didn't want to settle and with the party a week away I knew I had to get it done.

Hannah's third birthday was at Connors Farm. Kasen and Hannah were born one day apart, hah! Kasen took a while to warm up and it wasn't until we finally went berry picking (he kept bugging me. Non stop!) that he was happy. He LOVED raspberry picking. It was a first time doing berry picking of any kind - we did apple picking a while back but he was too young to really appreciate it. This time around he's much older and understands how and what to pick. I'm looking forward to fall!

After a fun time at the farm we headed to the bakery, then to the BBQ - Kasen was so tired that I had to bribe him to come out of the car. He ended up having a great time because of the kids' splash pools set up in the yard. Happy Saturday!


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