the fabulous adventures of a full-time working mom raising a toddler in boston

Monday, April 13, 2015

Kasen's New Haircut!

It has been forever since Kasen has let us cut his hair. He would always scream bloody murder whenever we'd try, so we tiptoe around the issue, quietly tell him he needs a haircut only to have him nearly freak out on us "No! I don't need haircut!" 

It was starting to get really long, so I think I began incepting the idea of it (I love, love, love the movie Inception, brilliant) about a week ago, by negotiating with him the chocolate egg surprises he would get post the haircut. He slowly was on board with the idea. Sorta. Kinda.

This past Sunday night I decided to whip out those egg surprises. I gave it to him to hold, and said ok, we're going to get a haircut now, and after you can open them. I put him in the high chair, and while he ducked his head a few times while Ken was buzzing and cutting, he didn't cry. Just complained a little, but that was pretty much it. That evening he was the happiest kid on earth - surprise eggs, toys, chocolate - he was skipping to bed!


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