the fabulous adventures of a full-time working mom raising a toddler in boston

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Sistema Plastics

I first discovered Sistema Plastics at the Container Store. Let's face it. Mommies or not, Container Store is an organizer's dream. It's a dangerous place for me. I can't leave without dropping some serious dough. It's bad. But then again I'm always so pleased with how semi-organized we get.

So, let's just say I fell in love with the entire line. I love that it's designed and made in New Zealand (I have a soft spot for NZ!), I love that it's BPA and phthalate free, I love the simplicity of the design. I love how secure the snaps are. They're just fantastic overall. While I only initially got it for use for all of Kasen's toddler snacks, I slowly began to purchase the large adult sized storage as well. While I don't microwave them, they're a great size, stack nicely and easily in the cupboard, and just as nice in the fridge. We have very little pantry space, and after returning some items to TJ Maxx after its due date I had store credit - rather than wait to use it (and potentially forget about it) I saw some Sistema cereal storage for $7.99 - it's usually $12 at Container Store, so easily 30% off! I was sold. We have tons of cereal boxes, bags of cereal and snacks that are rubber banded - I'm thinking this will look so much neater and keep the cereal much fresher. Check back in a few weeks when I test out the cereal!


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