the fabulous adventures of a full-time working mom raising a toddler in boston

Friday, February 13, 2015

Kasen's First Valentine's Day Card

Kasen got his first Valentine's Day card! As a hedge fund analyst I get to meet some pretty amazing people in the business, some related to the hedge fund world, and others not so related to the hedge fund world. This one is from Andrew, Jess and their gorgeous girls Libby and Elsie (the two cuties featured in the valentine!). I liaise with Andrew who leads the business development and investor relations efforts for a fund we are invested in. His wife, Jess heads up Well Rounded NY, a fabulous editorial resource for moms and moms to be in NYC. She is really talented, and if it isn't in your favorites list yet you need to add it now. Do it. You will thank me later!

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