the fabulous adventures of a full-time working mom raising a toddler in boston

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Kasen's Top 5 Favorites at 2.5 years

Ken's Hong Kong-style Pan Fried Noodles!

1. Hong Kong Style Pan-Fried Noodles. Honestly. What kid doesn't like noodles?
2. Bacon. Sometimes he can eat 8 of them in once sitting. It's gross.
3. Frozen pops.
4. Tea. Any kind of tea. Milk tea, Barley tea, Black tea, Jasmine tea, Chrysanthemum tea. He's a tea guy through and through...though I've caught him trying to sneak my coffee a couple of times when I'm not looking -_-
5. Cherry Tomatoes. Especially the orange ones from Zima

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