the fabulous adventures of a full-time working mom raising a toddler in boston

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Kasen's First Christmas!

The holiday season is upon us! Decorations are up, holiday lattes are back at Starbucks, Christmas music is playing - all we need is some snow! Even the Zhao house has been alive with merriment since the day after Thanksgiving - we put up our Charlie Brown Christmas Tree, holiday wreaths, and even have the holiday antibacterial soaps out in place of our usual ones ;) We also sent our holiday cards on Saturday, with most of them likely to arrive on Monday.

We dragged Kasen out early this Sunday morning to Home Depot to pick out his first Christmas tree. We settled on a 6 foot Fraser Fir! More pictures to come later with it all trimmed and Kasen all dressed up!

Kasen's Auntie Linda and Uncle Sean also got him his first Christmas themed outfit. So cute! We'll be putting him in this and having him pose.


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