the fabulous adventures of a full-time working mom raising a toddler in boston

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Dragon Babies' First Christmas

We got together with a bunch of friends and their lovely kids for Christmas after Christmas because one  of the babies came down with bronchitis. D'oh! But so happy we were finally able to get together on a Sunday evening!

The Dragon babies and their mommies: L-R - Kasen, Celicia, Olivia, Sammy, Kira and Joanne

Kasen and lovely Auntie Karen
Our "holiday cake" from Wellesley's Quebrada Bakery. Fresh strawberry cake, so light, yum!

We also tried (rather unsuccessfully) to get all three dragon babies to stay still, but as one can see below that was a rather difficult feat, hah!

Kasen attacking his presents

This bow is so pretty! I want I want I want!


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