the fabulous adventures of a full-time working mom raising a toddler in boston

Friday, October 5, 2012

Where is the Poo?

The other day we noticed that over an entire 24 hour period Kasen had NO poo. We were used to at least 3-4 poops on a daily basis in addition to his wet diapers. We waited for a giant explosive poop and it never came as we worried about back up. I poked around and did some research and found out that babies around 3 months of age (Kasen's about 2.5 months old now) that are exclusively breast-fed have this common issue. Breast-fed babies cannot get constipated given that breast milk is extremely efficient - and at around 3 months given their rapid growth profile, babies apparently absorb all of the nutrients in the breast milk, leaving very little waste (hence more recent reduction in poos from 3-4X/day to once a day at most). Apparently some babies have gone nearly 2 weeks without a bowel movement, though it has been said that if the baby has not pooped in 10 days that the doctor should be called to look into the issue. Needless to say if it persisted we were going to call our pediatrician...but lo and behold the next day Kasen had an explosive poop sideways and half way up his back (thankfully the pampers were high enough up!)! While a very normal issue...I've never been so glad to see poop!

I can't ever get enough of this face <3


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