the fabulous adventures of a full-time working mom raising a toddler in boston

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Homemade Chicken Katsu

Kasen loves crunchy anything. He's like his mom! I love anything with a crunch, too. I'm all about texture.

When I got home a little early from work I was trying to think of a potential meal for dinner, and came up with the idea of making chicken katsu don since my friend Ling kept texting me about a craving she was having - she wanted to go to Cafe Mami in Cambridge, which is a Japanese hole in the wall known for the hamburg plates and katsudons. Instead of using the fryer I pan fried the chicken katsu after dipping the de-boned thighs in a bath of flour + egg + panko bread crumb coating. The curry is from Amazon, the instant S&B Curry Sauce that I had initially purchased to bring with us on the cruise as an instant meal (and of course I didn't end up bringing it because we had too much stuff already). Easy and delicious weeknight comfort food. Makes great leftovers the next day too, as long as you stick the chicken in the toaster oven instead of the microwave.

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