the fabulous adventures of a full-time working mom raising a toddler in boston

Friday, November 29, 2013

Teething...and Stomach Virus?

Thanksgiving was fine and went well, but the day after Thanksgiving well, was terrible. Kasen had diarrhea, had a fever, was drooling excessively, was extremely irritable, etc. He only wanted me and wasn't himself - he slept every two hours. He developed sores on the corner of his right side of the mouth and on his cheek. It was absolutely horrible. We had to get him Children's Tylenol (the suspension liquid) but at times he wouldn't take it. Miserable. I was so worried. It lasted for days and the diarrhea went on forever. I think it was also painful for him to go which is why every time he went he would cry =( I later found out at his check-up (to check his iron levels) that he actually had a stomach virus IN ADDITION to teething as his last 2 molars were coming out. Ugh. A week later he was back to his old self.

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