the fabulous adventures of a full-time working mom raising a toddler in boston

Saturday, July 13, 2013


Happy first birthday my amazing little Kasen! You never cease to amaze us. You are awesome in every way. The road was tough, and of course there was sleep deprivation and days where we were practically zombies from chronic lack of sleep. We worried nonstop from everything from your milestones (not enough tummy time?) to your poop (too hard? too soft? How many days without poo??) to your sleep habits to your boobie juice and food intake. It's all worth it because we can't imagine life without you. You bring such joy and laughter to us and to everyone you meet. We couldn't be luckier to have been blessed with a little man who always brings the party:) Mama and Baba love you more than you will ever know. Here's to your first and many, many more!


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