the fabulous adventures of a full-time working mom raising a toddler in boston

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Laughing Hysterically

Today Baby Kasen dropped a larger than usual poop bomb, so big that it went up his back and through two layers of clothes. As my husband was changing him, Baby Kasen started laughing hysterically - the first time we've ever heard him voluntarily laugh. So silly. I love being able to catch his "firsts". I happened to catch him while my mom (por por, or grandma chaung!) was changing his clothes - again, after pooping through two layers of clothes laughing below. Although I would say that I do wish we weren't laughing so hard so that we could hear the little guy better!

On another note Baby Kasen also received his first haircut today. His daddy cuts his own hair (and I must add very stylishly too, an effect that even most hair stylists cannot satisfy him, and most can't believe he is able to cut his own hair) and he decided that it was about time that Kasen received his first haircut since his hair was already growing so long. I admit that as a sentimental mommy I saved his first haircut clippings and put it in his scrap book. =) Pictures to come later!


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